Мої уроки

Клас: 6
Тема: Гроші
Мета: активізувати лексичний матеріал теми, удосконалювати граматичні та лексичні навички, розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; виховувати культуру спілкування, дисциплінованість, працьовитість, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.
Обладнання: ілюстративний матеріал, підручник, зошит, словник.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Lesson plan
Hello my dear children, how are you today?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
Make up words
1 ttbuer                                              6 cie cmrea
2 urtghyo                                            7 eetssw
3 ateolchoc                                          8 mbhagerur
4 dbrea                                                 9 ttigsphe
5 sechee                                                10 receal
-         Перевірка д\зРезультат пошуку зображень за запитом "dollar clipart"

Main part
Complete the sentences about food you like to eat
1.     For breakfast I usually eat………………
2.     For lunch I usually eat…………….
3.     For dinner I usually eat…………Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "pounds clipart"
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "pounds clipart"
Do ex. 1,pp.45-46
Work in three groups. Read the text and find the names of banknotes and
coins of different countries in it.

Do ex.3,p46
Work in pairs. Complete and act out the dialogues.
Coins and Currency
1. A: How much is a penny worth?
B: A penny is worth one cent.
2. A: Soda costs seventy-five cents. Do you have enough change?
B: Yes. I have a/two/three ..... (5) an d .......
3. A: I need to go to the supermarket. Do you have any cash?
B: Let me see. I have a twenty-dollar
Do ex.4,p 46
Look at the pictures on page 47. Act out the dialogues as in the example.
-         Робота з роздатковим матеріалом

Write in words
1.     150£- one hundred fifty pounds
2.     48.20$
3.     1,25£
4.     20,50$
5.     5,75$
6.     1,5£
Write the verbs in brackets into the correct tense
1.     She usually______________________(buy) vegetables at the grocers
2.     I _______________(buy) a new T-shirt yesterday.
3.     That bag looks heavy. I_______________(help) you to bring it.
4.     I always_________________(go) to the dairys to buy milk.
5.      He _____________(want) to go to the chemists yesterday.
Final part
Do ex.5,p47
Work in pairs. Play a game “Buying Food and Getting Change”. Take turns
to play the role of the shopper.
You have 200.00 hryvnias. Go shopping. Look at the pictures and say what you can buy, at what price and how much change you get.
-         Оцінювання
-         д\з: ex 6, p 47
Write where you went shopping yesterday, what you bought and how much
it cost. Start like this:

 I went shopping yesterday. I had a long shopping list. Etc.

Клас: 6
Тема: Наші покупки
Мета:  активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; презентувати граматичний матеріал: займенники one та ones; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; удосконалювати техніку читання; виховувати інтерес до життя людей в інших країнах.
Обладнання: підручник, обладнання для гри «Shopping» (HO).
1.                   Привітання.
Т: Hello! How are you?
Ps: We are very well, thank you!
2.                   Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Т: Today we’ll start speak about  Shopping

3.                   Перевірка Д\З
4.                   Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Do you like to go shopping?          
T: I'd like to begin our lesson with such quotation:
For some shopping is an art,
For others it's a  sport,
Some like it. Some hate it.
Rarely is someone indifferent.
These words were written by one of the American shop-assistant Pamela Klaffke.
Т: Listen to the story «Misunderstanding» and write down all the words connected with shopping, selling and goods you’ll hear.
A tourist went to a shop in London. He wanted to buy a hat but as he didn’t know English well enough he said to a shop assistant: «I want to buy a grey hut. How much does it cost?»
«Why, we haven’t got any huts», the shop assistant exclaimed in surprise. «Go to the country and you’ll buy them there».
«Poor tourist», thought the shop assistant. «What has happened to him?»
«Poor shop assistant», he thought. «What has happened to her?»
T: Think of the words which can be understood incorrectly if you don’t know the language very well (Наприклад: cheese — chess, shirt — short, steak — stack, spies — pees, coat — code та ін.).
-         Читання тексту «ланцюжком»
-         Переклад прочитаного та обговорення

There are different kinds of shops. Some of them sell bread. Others sell tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausages, meat, fruit, vegetables.

When we want to buy something, we take our shopping-bags and go to the shop. There we can see shop-assistants who sell goods.

Many people do their shopping at the market. There farmers and other people sell fruit and vegetables which they grow themselves. They sell meat, milk and other things too.

Large shops with many departments are called department stores and supermarkets. In these stores we can buy almost everything we want. In the shop-windows we can see all the goods which they sell – food, suits, dresses, coats, boots, shoes, radio and TV-sets, and many other things.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "shopping clipart"
 When we need something to buy we go to a market or to a supermarket.
There are different kinds of shops nowadays.
They are butchers`, bakers`, dairies, greengrocers`, clothes stores and others.
At the butcher`s they sell meat, chicken and sausages.
At the baker`s you can buy bread, buns, rolls, cakes and pies.
At the dairy`s they sell milk, sour-cream, yoghurt and cheese.
At the greengrocer`s they sell apples, oranges, plums, carrots, potatoes, and onions.
People in Ukraine usually like to go to a market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and dairy products.
They come to a stall and may taste stuff they liked.
You might also make a good bargain there.
Supermarkets are more comfortable for buyers.
You can find here whatever you want.
The price of the products you can find on the notice boards
They offer you a great variety of food, clothes, house appliances and even furniture.
Supermarkets have different departments: a fruit and vegetables one, a chocolate and sweets one, a  dairy one, a meat department, a grocery department and others.
It is very convenient and relaxing: you take you shopping cart and put everything you buy in it.
Shopping is fun!

Answer the questions:

1. Where do you go when you need to buy anything? (We go to a supermarket).
2. What do they sell at the butcher`? (They sell meat, chicken and sausages.)
3. What can you buy at the baker`s? (I can buy bread, rolls, buns, cakes and pies).
4. What can you find at the dairy`s? (I can find milk, sour-cream, yoghurt and cheese).
5.  Where do Ukrainian people like to go shopping? (They like to go to a market).
6. Why is it inconvenient? (Because you have to carry all products in your bags).
7. What do supermarkets offer? (They offer you a great variety of food, clothes, house appliances and even furniture).

 T: Look at the next pictures, please, and answer the question: Where can you buy these goods – rings, milk, bread, apples, meat, buckwheat and jeans?
P1: I can buy rings at the jewelry.
P2: I can buy milk at the dairy.
P3: I can buy bread at the bakery.
P4: I can buy apples at the greengrocer’s.
P5: I can buy meat at the butcher’s.
P6: I can buy buckwheat at the grocer’s.
P7: I can buy jeans at the market.
Reading (роздатковий матеріал)
Dialogue № 1             

Mr. Black: I’d like some apples, please.
Shop-assistant: What apples would you like: green, red or yellow?
Mr. Black: Green, please.
Shop-assistant: How many apples would you like?
Mr. Black: Can I have 5 apples?
          Shop-assistant: Of course.    

Questions: 1) What did Mr. Black want to buy? (apples)
                    2) How many apples did Mr. Black want to buy? (five)
                    3) What apples did Mr. Black prefer?  (green)

Dialogue № 2              
           Customer: I want a loaf of bread, please.
           Shop-assistant: Here you are.
           Customer: Thank you.
           Shop-assistant: Do you want anything else?
           Customer: Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two cans of Cola. How much is it?
           Shop-assistant: Five pounds fifty pence, please.
           Customer: Here’s six pounds.
           Shop-assistant: That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much.

Questions:  1) What did the customer asked first? (a loaf of bread)
                   2) How much was the change? (50 pence)
                   3) How many bottles of milk did the customer ask? (1 bottle)

Dialogue № 3   
  Ann: I’d like a pair of shoes, please.
  Shop-assistant: What fashion  would you like?
  Ann: Low shoes for every day wear.
  Shop-assistant: What colour would you like?
  Ann: Blue.
Shop-assistant: What size do you wear?
  Ann: Five. Can I try them on?
  Shop-assistant: Of course.

Questions: 1) What did Ann want to buy at the shoe shop? ( shoes)
                     2) What was Ann’s size? (five)
                     3) What colour of shoes did Ann choose? (blue)

·        T: Let's check your answers.
Dialogue № 1              Dialogue №2                      Dialogue №3
 1. a)bananas              1. a) a pack of sugar             1. a) a dress
     b) apples                    b) a loaf of bread                 b) shoes
     c) grapes                     c) a bottle of milk               c) a skirt
2. a) six                        2. a) 15 pence                      2. a) five
    b) eight                        b) 50 pence                          b) four
    c) five                           c) 5 pence                           c) three 
3. a) red                        3. a) 3 bottles                       3. a) white
    b) green                       b) 1 bottle                             b) black
    c) yellow                      c) 2 bottles                           c)  blue 
7. Рольова гра.

·        T: Imagine you are at the English  grocer's shop and want to buy some  tasty products. _______ is a shop-assistant, ___________ is a customer.
-Hello! Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
-Have you got a box of sweets?
- Yes, of course.
- I want to buy a big box of sweets.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
T:  _______ is a shop-assistant, ___________ is a customer.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Can I have some juice, please?
- Certainly.
- I need a carton of orange juice, please. Or no, two cartons of  juice.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
T: Now you are at the Bookshop. You want to buy English dictionary.
    Who wants to be a shop-assistant? Who wants to be a customer?
- Hello!
- Hello! I need your help!
- What can I do for you?
- I want to study English well. I need English dictionary.
- You can take this one.
- What's the price?
- It is 70 hryvnyas.
- OK. I'll take it.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
T: Now you are at the Confectionary and want to buy some sweets, two lollipops   
    and 1 chocolate.  _______ is a shop-assistant, ___________ is a customer.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- I'd like some sweets and two lollipops.
- Here you are. Would you like a chocolate?
- Yes, please. What does it cost?
- It is 20 hryvnyas. Anything else?
- No, that’s all. Thank you!
T:  Let's sing a song.                            
                          Song "Hippety Hop to the corner shop"
I.       Hippety Hop to the corner shop,
To buy some sweets for Sunday;
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.
II.      Hippety Hop to the butcher’s shop,
To buy some meat for Monday;
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.
III.     Hippety Hop to the baker’s shop,
To buy some bread for Tuesday;
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.
1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Бесіда в режимі TP1P2P3.
Т: What topic have we been discussing at the lesson today? What did you practise speaking about? What new words have you learned?

Клас: 5
Тема: Великобританія. Географічне положення.
Мета: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: підручник, зошит, наочний, роздатковий  та мультимедійний матеріал, географічна карта Великобританії.
Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань зі застосуванням мультимедійних матеріалів.
Lesson plan :
Warm up
1. Організаційна бесіда.
        Who is on duty today?
        Who is absent today?
        What date is it today?
Ø Перегляд відео «Hello, how are you?» (діти також співають пісеньку)

2. Мовна розминка.
        What season is it?
        What is the weather like today?
    3. Фонетична зарядка.
 What's the weather,
What's the weather,
What's the weather like today?
Is it rainy? Is it windy?
Are there clouds? Or is there sun?
Ø Перевірка Д/з
Main part
1.     Have you ever heard such names as the UK, Great Britain, England?
2.     Do you think it is one or different countries?
3.      Who knows where this country is situated? (use the map)
4.     Who knows what country is the nearest heighbour of Great Britain?
Each student gets the card with the riddle and the number (1-12). Their task is to guess the word and to write the first letter of it on the blackboard in the square marked by the number the student has in his/her card.
 (Students guess the riddles, go to the blackboard and write the letters as far as they know the answer. If there are difficulties, the class helps. 4 min)
Ø So, today we are going to talk about the country which language we study.
Presentation with the help of the map.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in Europe on the British Isles and consist of four parts  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of England is London, the capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the capital of Wales is Cardiff and the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The capital of the whole country is London.
Ø Перегляд відео «Great Britain» 3хв.
Speaking and Writing
Do ex. 1, p.122
Listen and repeat
Practice the sentences and write them down.
London is the capital of England.
Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

Ø Перегляд презентації
Do ex. 2,p.123
Look at the pictures and say as in the example.
Mary is from London. London is the capital of England.
Mark is from Belfast. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
Julia is from Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
John is from Cardiff. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
Listening and Reading
Do ex. 3, p.123
-         Читання тексту вчителем;
-         Читання тексту дітьми «ланцюжком»;
-         Переклад та обговорення прочитаного.

   Hands up!
   Hands down!
   Hands on hips!
  Sit down.
  Hands to your sides!
   Bend left!
   Bend right
  One, two, three hop1
   One, two, three stop!
   Stand still

Work in pairs.
Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
Ø What is the official name of the country?
Ø How many parts does Great Britain consist of? What are they?
Ø What are their capitals?
Ø How many people live in the UK?
Ø What is the official language of the country?
Work in groups
 Do ex. 5, p. 124
Read and complete the sentences.
1.     The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated………………
2.     There are about ……….people in the country.
3.     The country consist of four parts:……………. .
4.     ……………………..is the capital of England.
5.     …………………….is the capital of Wales.
6.     …………………….is the capital of Scotland.
7.     …………………….is the capital of Northern Ireland.
Do ex. 6,p.124 ( з допомогою роздаткового матеріалу)
Match the words(1-6) with the words (a-f). Then make sentences to talk about the UK.
-         Great Britain has many interesting traditions.
-         This country is famous for its long history.
-         People called the country Great Britain for short because it is the name of the biggest island.
-         There are also about 2000 smaller islands.
-         English is the official language of the UK.
Final part
 Робота з навчальними таблицею та картою
-         Is the Great Britain big or small?
-         Does it consist of three or four parts?
-         Is official language British or English?
-         Is the capital of the kingdom London or England?


Д/з:Do ex.7,p.124

Клас : 8
Тема: Любіть Україну (Урок-журнал)

Тема: Здоровий спосіб життя ( Асоціативний кущ)

Клас: 5
Тема: Моя родина (проектні роботи)

Клас: 5
Тема: Найкращий сендвіч (проектні роботи)

Тема: Їжа (введення нової лексики)

Клас: 8
Тема: British writers and poets (проектні роботи)

Тема: Почуття та емоції
Клас : 11-А                                                                                Дата: 23.03.16
ü навчати іншомовного спілкування, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації; формувати й удосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання; удосконалювати граматичні навички учнів; удосконалювати комунікативні вміння та навички; активізувати вживання тематичних лексичних одиниць у мовленні;
ü розвивати мовну і слухову пам'ять, розвивати творчі здібності учнів, сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки, розвивати вміння ефективно працювати в групах;
ü виховувати в учнів бережне ставлення один до одного, потребу в емоційній культурі.
Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, ноутбук, дидактичний роздавальний матеріал, підручник, зошит, таблиці.
Тип уроку: урок практичного застосування знань, навичок і умінь.
Lesson plan :
1.     Greeting .Topic. Aim and objectives.
Good morning ! You may take your seats ! I am very glad to see you today! How are you ? How are you feeling today?
Who is duty today?
Who is absent today ?
P . I feel good; I feel fine; I feel great; I am in good mood; I am happy.
2.     Warming up.
ü Опрацювання нової лексики ( з допомогою таблиці та роздаткового матеріалу)
ü Перевірка Д/З
ü Опрацювання відео (робота з мультимедійним матеріалом)
And now look at the video and remember as many words.
Look at the tables . What words can we read?(feelings and emotions)
Our topic is «Feelings and emotions”. Today we shall work in groups. Weꞌll recal  vocabulary, read, write, listen. Today we have to discuss the importance of feelings and emotions in the life of people.
Main part .
ü What are feelings and emotions? Nobody can help having feelings – they are part of everyone . We feel different things all day as different happen to us.
ü It is important not to be ashamed of having feelings .
Everyone has them – good and bad. Emotional helps us know what we need and want. It helps us build better relationships. Feelings and emotionals are two different processes. Feelings play out in the theatre of the mind. Emptions play out in the theatre of the body.
ü Look at the blackboard and read the quotations.
«Feelings and emotions, just like the ship we are on, up and down.»
ü How do you understand this words ?
The dictionary game «Glove».
Sometimes we feel sad- when someone we love goes away.
Sometimes we feel happy- when we are having fun playing .
Sometimes we feel scared – when we are watching action film.
Sometimes we feel angry – when we having some problems.
Sometimes you feel unhappy – when you are yourself at home.
Group work.
When you watch TV or movies you can usually work out what the character is feeling by looking at the face.
Are you good at «reading» faces?
You have blue envelops with some faces. Please describe their emotions.
Look at the list of words that describe feelings. Which words describe positive feelings, emotions?
Which words describe negative emotions, feelings?
You must write down the words in two columns. At first – positive;then  negative feelings.
Well done!
Work in groups.
Make quotations from separate words.(Кожна група отримує набір з слів для складання цитати).
Life is comedy to those   who think, a tragedy to those who feel.
One thing you can not hide – is when you are crippled inside.
Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary.
Don’t worry, be happy.
Робота з підручником.
Do Ex 1.p 210
Do Ex 2.p210
Його лист наповнив її люттю та розчаруванням.
Напад спровокував гнівну відповідь.
Він дивився із заздрістю на нову машину Боба.
Серед робочих поширювалося занепокоєння з приводу втрати роботи.
Вона не могла говорити після аварії, вона відчувала справжню загрозу.
Вона була уразлива як мала дитина яка не може себе захистити.
Товстий і вдоволений чорний кіт лежав на сонечку.
Не поводься як недотепа, використовуй свій інтелект.
Брак сонячного світла затримує ріст рослин.
Цей лист, повний помилок, яскраво показує його безграмотність.
Do Ex 2(b) p. 211.
ü Робота з роздатковим матеріалом.
Now letꞌs have a relaxation break and listen to a poem.
Feelings are as natural as can be
Feelings are inside you and me
Feelings are simply grand
Feelings let us know how we stand,
It is the most important fact:
How we feel is how we act
Here is another part of the deal :
How we act decides how we feel
Remember this whatever you do,
How you feel is mostly up to you
Final part
ü What words you have learned today?
ü Why do people have emotions and feelings?
ü What good are they?
ü What emotions and feelings are usually classified as positive and negative?
ü Do you find is easy to talk about you feelings?
ü What would you do or say if a friend was upset?
Project work ( 10 ways to overcame a negative state of mind)
Thanks a lot of your work ………
ü вивчити нову лексику,
ü Ex 6 p. 214- listen and translate,
ü prepare recommendations for people (For example: Believe in yourself, greate a good life, smile often, value life, work for the common good).

Тема : Кіномистецтво
практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з добуванням інформації;
активізувати тематичну лексику в усному мовленні учнів у діалогічній і монологічній формі в процесі розвитку іншомовної комунікативної компетенції; поглибити соціокультурні знання про країну, мова якої вивчається;
 формувати  фонематичний, інтонаційний слух;розвивати уміння і навички учнів засобами вивченого іншомовного матеріалу виражати своє відношення до проглянутих фільмів і до різних жанрів кіномистецтва;
залучати учнів до висот кіномистецтва як одній з активних форм проведення вільного часу з користю; виховувати у учнів добре, уважне ставлення один до одного та толерантне відношеня до оточуючих.
Учні повинні знати: назви жанрів фільмів, професій, які повꞌязані з кіноіндустрією.
Учні повинні вміти: читати і розуміти текст, поділитись враженнями від фільму.
Обладнання: ілюстративний та роздатковий матеріал, відеоматеріали, підручник, зошит, словник.
Тип уроку : урок - інтервꞌю.
Lesson plan:
Ø Good morning boys and girls.
Ø How are you today.
Ø Nice to meet you in our English lesson.
I.                   Мовленнєва розминка:
1)    «Brain storm»
-          Today we’ll continue to talk about movies and for the end of our lesson you’ll be able to tell about your favorite film.
-          To, I invite you for the cinema. Do you like going to the cinema? What kind of films do you like to see?
-          Let’s write the names of then of them on the blackboard.
2)    Демонстрація фільму «Титанік»
Учням пропонується подивитися сюжет фільму «Титанік» і дати відповідь на запитання
-         What film hove you just watched?
-         Who made this film?
-         Whet was it made?
3)    Активізація лексики (роздатковий матеріал).
4)    Let’s make a plan for our lesson. What should we speak about?
-         The history of cinema.
-         Hollssions in cinema.
-         Yenes of films
-         Thens, Favorite film.

          Оголошення теми уроку.
Today topic of our lesson is cinema, and films which are popular nowadays. Today we are to decide what influence, on our opinion on the film. Hove do you get your oven vision of the film?
Main part .
Ø «Cinematography, is writing with images in moment and with sounds» - Robert Bresson
«I like movies where you can come back and reveath them and admire the cinema – tography  25 year later» – Rob Jombie.
No doubt, we can call our century the century of film making. Cinema and the films have become an important part of our lives.
Reading and Speaking
Передтекстова робота
We have mentioned few words on the topic «Cinema». Letꞌs get to know how it all began.
Instruction: read the text and match the columns.
( Учні отримують співстановчі картки)
Ø читання та переклад тексту « The history of Cinema»
Ø використання завдання до тексту (роздатковий матеріал)
Match the following columns.
Ø Предꞌявлення  тексту для читання з детальним розумінням «Genres of films».
I am sure everybody likes films. You might know that Americans call films «movies». There are a lot of movies genres. Lets recollect some of them.
Comedy                      Horror movie
Detective                     Documentary
Musical                        Science film
Western                        Thriller
Ø Читання та переклад тесту
Ø Обговорення
Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different profession are involved in film making. You can read about this professions.
Ø Самостійне читання тексту
Ok. Tell me please!
Who is camera man?
Who is producer?
What can you say about director?
What do you know about actress ?
Tell me, please, what is your favourite  film?
What this film is about?
(Виступи дітей)
Write 10 s. «The cinema in our life»
Final part
Ø Our lesson is about to be finished. It is time to see what you have learned. Answer my question.
What topic were we discussed today at our lesson ?
You remember new words? What are they?
What new information have you learnt today?
What kinds of films do you know?
Ø Today is our lesson we are learned some material which I consider to be very important and useful for you. Try to systemize it! Good bye!

Клас : 8-А                                                                                                 Дата : 12.02.16
Topic : Улюблені мелодії
Objectives  :
·        активізувати і закріпити лексичний матеріал теми, удосконалювати навички читання та перекладу іншомовного тексту, формувати навички аудіювання, розширити уявлення учнів про музичні стилі та жанри;
·        розвивати лексичні навички письма, навички ДМ та ММ, пам'ять, увагу, мислення;
·        виховувати любов та повагу до музичного мистецтва.
Aids : ілюстративний матеріал, мультимедія, роздатковий матеріал, підручник, словник, зошит.
Тип уроку : бінарний урок
Lesson plan
1.     Greetings .Topic. Aim and objectives
Ø Hello children. Glad to see you!
How are you? What help you to be a good mood!

Ø I want to start our lessons with some words.
Make many friends
Use your knowledge
Speak only English
Invite guests
Come to the disco.
Who is duty today
Who is absent today
Ø Перевірка д.з
Ø Робота з картками
What is music for you?
Ø Мозковий штурм
-         What words do you associate with the word «music»?
-         What musical instrument do you know?
-         What styles of music do you know?
Ø At the previous lesson we spoke about musical instruments. At this lesson we are going to speak about the role of music in your life, your favourite musical styles. We will read the text, listen to the songs. You are going to revise grammar.
Main part
Ø First of all lets refresh the topical vocabulary. Translate the following sentences, please.
Music offers up refreshment from our daily routine.
Музика приносить відпочинок від наших щоденних рутин.
Many pieces of music are the main sources of inspiration for creative persons.
Багато музичних композицій є головними джерелами натхнення для творчих особистостей.
Ø Good work! Tell me please, what is music for you?(декламування вірша дитиною).

Music is everywhere!
In the birds of the air
In the hum of the honeybee
As it shivers the trees
In the river that murmurs
Over the stones
In the show wind that moans
In the surge of the sea
Japing the shore
In the roar of the storm
Ratting the door
In the drum of the rain
On the windowpane
Music is here filling our ear.
( Переклад та декламування вчителем музичного мистецтва, Крат О.Е)
Навіть птахи співають не раз
Та і бджоли гудять все гучніш
Пісні вітру стають веселіш
А у річці водиця хлюпоче
Яку камінь пускати не хоче
Тут дерева тремтять голосніше
Але стони снігу й вітру сильніші
Бурі ревуть мов скажені
Дощі пролились тут шалені
Музика заповнила все
Все, що навколо живе.
Ø All right! And we have different musical styles. What is your favourite musical styles ? (Виступи дітей)
Ø And now, listen to music and guess their styles. What was the first style…? What was the second style….? What was the third style…..?
Relaxing pause
Ø Lets relax for some minutes and listen to classical music.
-         Хвилинка релаксації
-         Музична розминка з вчителем музичного мистецтва
-         Виконання пісні з вчителем музичного мистецтва
Reading and Speaking
Today we are going also to speak about William Shakespeare
Робота з висловами
1.     He was the man who of all modern and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive.
2.     He was not of an age, but for all time.
The brilliant poet, the marvelous dramatist, the greatest of the great. He was not of an age, but for all time.
Опрацювання тексту (роздатковий матеріал)
-         When and where was William Shakespeare born?
-         What was the name of his theatre?
-         How many plays did he write?
Complete the next sentences
1.     William Shakespeare is ……..
2.     William Shakespeare was ……….
3.     Shakespeareꞌs great plays ……
Слухання музичного твору «Ромео і Джульєтта»
-         Now, look at this presentation! Do you know this group?( The Beatles)
-         You are right! What style did they play?
-         What their song do you know?
Отже, давайте виконаємо світовий хіт нашою рідною мовою.
Thank you! It was beautiful!
Final part
Do Ex. 4 p. 108(усно)
Ø Look at the pictures of CD (a-c), read the information and match the names of the children with the CDs they want to buy

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